Stress & Exercise. Balancing Inputs and Outputs
Welcome back to the podcast!
On this week's episode we have a warning for our members, if you want to do more you have to give more to yourself.
What does that mean?
What do most people do? They exercise their faces off until they hit the wall, then wonder why they have no motivation and their progress has stalled.
For people to feel confident in their process they need to understand that they can't go forever without giving their body what it needs to support their lifestyle. This means:
A) Understanding the markers of stress;
B) Knowing what their options are when they decide to push.
For our members, after a year of adjusting to this new way of life, they've finally put their bodies in an optimal position to push it.
Push the workouts. Push their intensity. Get more out of life!
We've spoke a lot about metrics and objective/subjective stress indicators and this is where it all comes to a head. When you've decided to push you need to be aware that a fork in the road is approaching and this is where you get to "choose your adventure".
The fork means if we drive straight and don't change anything, we hit the wall. You don't want that, right? Your options when you're approaching this fork are:
A) Give yourself more inputs (more recovery, stress reduction, restorative movement) and keep going;
B) Throttle back the workouts or take a week off;
C) Find a different balance between recovery and workouts that allows you to recover and not stop.
By knowing the signs of stress and the options you have when you're about to hit the wall you can decide how you want to live and control your adventure to match your personality and process.
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It’s difficult to change on your own but we’re here to help! We want to learn about you.
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