Fit Source TV | Balancing Training and Stress

Have you ever felt like you were on a hot streak with workouts? You string together a few weeks or a few months and all of a sudden life gets busy and you feel like you hit a wall?

What happens next? You try HARDER!

"I must not be working enough?" 

"I'm being 'weak'"

"Why can't I do what I was doing?"

It's because that busyness is stress on the body and so is exercise. Just like people know they should manage the stress in their lives, people who want to be successful with exercise should know they need to manage their training load based on what's happening around them.

Balancing training, the stress of life, recovery and nutrition is the only way to keep up a healthy life style for long enough to the transformation you're looking for. 

Good think is the Fit Show TV Crew is here to fill you in on what's necessary to make that happen!


Fit Source TV | Addressing Weekend Nutrition